Sunday, December 30, 2018
Arrived in Schertz
Our joy at having no problems with the engine ended while still in the campground. We filled up last night, and we had the same problem with our fuel filters as before. Very unusual for it to happen once, let alone twice. Will have to fix that before we continue our travels.
Finally, we stopped at a Texas institution, Buc-ees. It is a texas-size fuel/department store. It has 120 fuel pumps and everything from clothing to nuts, kitchen items, foods, deli, and more! We fuelled up there and it was only $2.49 a gallon! The only negative was it took about 20 minutes to fuel as the pumps were the smaller size used in cars, not the larger size used by big rigs/trucks.
We arrived in Schertz around 5 PM to find Mom, Marjorie, and Ron waiting for us outside in the light rain. After backing in the driveway and setting up, we came inside to find Philly cheesesteaks and root beer waiting for us. We sat down to eat and watched the Eagles outplay the Redskins, then watched the Vikings hand the Eagles a playoff spot next weekend.
Anyway, that's it for tonight. Tomorrow Nancy & I will celebrate by sleeping as late as we want, then she is going to a girl's night out to the San Antonio Spurs game.
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Texarkana, TX
The weather this trip has been in the upper 20s to low 30s at night everywhere we stopped, and tonight will be no exception. Hopefully the rain they are calling for will pass by tonight leaving our drive tomorrow clear.
Our plans are to drive the remaining 425 miles tomorrow and arrive in Schertz a day early, using the extra time to relax and visit.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Problem resolved
We left Cummins at 5:30 pm and decided to stick to our goal of 350 miles a day. We drove another 160 miles toward Nashville and arrived at the Nashville East KOA at 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central. Set up, and went right to bed. Going to sleep as soon as Blue Bloods is over. Treating ourselves tomorrow by leaving at 10am Central. Next stop, Little Rock Arkansas.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Our first day
Well, after correcting that debacle, we were on our way. Traffic was heavier than expected around Washington. We thought it would be lighter since the government is shut down. But we continued on. After 300 miles we stopped for fuel and something to eat. By then it was 2:15pm.
No sooner did we leave filled up and the check engine light came on. I checked the oil and topped it off but that wasn't the problem. After several stops to try to figure out what might be wrong, we consulted with our son Brian, an excellent mechanic. He advised that as long as the light was steady we could continue to drive. And so we did, for another 150 miles. The only problem was we couldn't go faster than 55 MPH because of whatever is the problem. And going up hills (there are plenty of them in Virginia) we could only go 35 at times. Needless to say, this slowed our progress considerably!
But here we are, at the Wytheville, VA, KOA. We finally arrived at 8:50 pm, just as the winds started from the impending storm. Temperatures are expected to drop below freezing so we aren't allowed to connect our water lines. Rain started at 10 pm, and flash flooding is on the schedule for tomorrow so we may stay here for the whole day and leave on Saturday. We'll have to see what happens.
Tried to schedule an appointment for our engine with Cummins but have to wait for a call back. Found out a dealership 1-1/2 hours back was opened till 11 pm. If we only knew.Oh well!
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Our winter move, 2018
We have been going to the Monroeville winery once or twice a week to meet with friends but haven't done near as much dancing as we would have liked. We spent Christmas Eve with Mark's family, Christmas day with Nancy's family, and Wednesday doing some final items and spending some time with Jim, Nancy's brother-in-law. Her sister, his wife, passed away the day after Christmas last year suddenly, and this will be the first anniversary of that event.
Speaking of which, Nancy has had three family members pass this month alone. They say that happens most frequently in December, so I guess this proves the point.
Anyway, made our final rounds saying good-bye, giving out presents and meeting friends, packing and rearranging, and are now ready to leave. Our only major concern is the major winter storm moving East and right through our path.
Savannah & North
We arrived in Savannah and lazed around for a day, not sure what we wanted to see. We made online reservations for the next day on an open a...
Monday we drove to Jekyll Island, one the many barrier islands on the Georgia coast. The island used to be owned by the Dubignon family who ...
Thursday we took the pups to Banfield and they wouldn't take them. Here in El Paso apparently there are no walk-ins, only appointments. ...
Well, here we are in Slidell Louisiana, after 404 miles. Our plans were to spend tomorrow in New Orleans, but we found out there is a jazz...