Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Hudson, FL

After a late breakfast at Cracker Barrel, we hit the road for a short jaunt to Bradenton, where we meet up with Arthur (Steinberg) and Coby, his husky. They are both doing and looking well. We all went for South Philly cheese steaks, and yes, it has Amoroso rolls, Hank's soda, and Eagles memorabilia on the walls. After lunch, we continued our journey to Hudson where one of our windows will be replaced tomorrow. This evening we will be dining with Kathy Mitton, a friend we've known for 2 years from Timberlane Campground, who snowbirds at Tarpon Springs. We plan to walk around the gentrified area but be back early, as they knock on your doors here at 6:30am to start your windows.

1 comment:

  1. Weather is getting better up here. Friday & Saturday supposed to reach 80. Have a good time. Jim


Savannah & North

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