After 45 minutes of being connected to a computer, the technicians could find no leaks and no faults showed up, so on our way we went, lighter by a hefty diagnostic charge. They indicated it sounded like an EGR problem. (Exhaust gas recirculation is a strategy to control NOx emissions from diesel engines. The EGR reduces NOx through lowering the oxygen concentration in the combustion chamber, as well as through heat absorption). They explained it is a major effort and fairly big bucks to replace the EGR system and that since there were no faults detected, they suggested we continue with our travels. All went well for 62 or so miles, then BOING!, the check engine light came on. We called the repair shop back and they said if we didn't see steam out the back and the performance of the engine was not affected, we should be okay. So on we went.
So we went on, finally stopping to fuel up the RV and our bellies in Kenly, NC. Checked the coolant level, and it was almost gone. We filled the reservoir and went on our way, but 23 miles later, another check engine light warning. So we decided to pull over, doing so in Fayetteville, NC, at the Fayetteville RV Resort and Campground. As we pulled off I-95, the warning turned to a serious warning: STOP ENGINE! We went another 1/2 mile, pulled into the resort (which is actually quite nice) and are stopping for the night.
Our plan for tomorrow entailed either backtracking 43 miles to Kenly to the nearest Cummins diesel repair shop, or continue 81 miles to the next one, which would at least put us in the right direction. Either way, we will probably be held over for at least 3 days for ordering and replacing the EGR system. We decided on the latter, filling up and pulling over as necessary until we get to the repair shop. If it takes longer than 3 days, we may have to change our appointments in Ft Myers and Hudson, FL.
On the bright side, we are fortunate to have two good travel companions. Tiffin and Cocoa are getting along much better, and are great travellers.
Monday, April 2, 2018
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