The good thing is we got to meet some great people this summer (you know who you are). We didn't get much dancing done as we expected. Nancy got sick for a while (better now), or it was just too darned hot and muggy when it wasn't raining. How much you ask? At one place it was so humid that Mark slipped on his derriere from the condensation on the dance floor.
Referring to our leveler problem reported on June 7th, the passenger front leveler stopped working at Ruff Dale. We were on a hill with the leveler on the downhill side so we had to prop the RV with logs and boards.
When we got to Old Cedar, we tried to buy a new one from Lippert Components, who bought out the company that manufactured our leveler. Sure, they had plenty on hand, but wouldn't sell us one as they were saving their supply for those who were still under warranty. So we bought one online. When we replaced it (and tossed the old one), the control touch pad, where you expand/retract the leveler stopped working. Another call to Lippert who diagnosed and said we needed a new touch pad. Ordered, received, did not resolve the problem; the new one wouldn't power on either. More calls, more diagnosis over 3-1/2 months and finally spoke to a representative who knew what he was talking about. Diagnosed the problem as a port on the leveler control panel in the basement of the RV. He sent us a new control panel and another touchpad. For free, thank goodness. The cost for both would have been close to $1,000. Received them 3 weeks later, installed the control panel, and voila! Everything works. So we probably threw out a perfectly good leveler in the beginning, and am now trying to get Lippert to refund us for sending their original replacement back. In the midst of this, we had to replace two house batteries. We were lucky with them. Ours were the original ones and lasted ten years. We're told they normally last 3-6 years.
Recently, Mark took a job at Amazon for something to do. Wound up as a sorter/stacker four nights a week for 4 hours each, but got bored, so he left.
So here we are now, packing/arranging things for our move and getting ready to start up dancing again tonight.
More later.
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