Thursday, January 24, 2019

A Third Night in Odessa

This morning we got up ready to head out after a short installation. Not to be! Our air filter arrived sometime between 10 and 10:30 am. Installation took until 2:30 (with a lunch break). Then came the test drive, and guess what? No error code, but they heard an air leak. Upon checking further they found a hole in the turbo something-or -other. When the turbo applies pressure so the RV would pick up speed, it was going out the hole instead. They said that is probably the cause of our low speed when going up hills and a surging when in 2nd and 3rd gear. (Imagine a short burst of acceleration then slowing down, and repeating this every two seconds. Enough to make you sea sick!)

Cummins tried to call Tiffin Motorhomes to get the part but were unable to reach them. So they called Freightliner who had the part and could deliver it tomorrow. This installation will require them to access the motor from the access panel in our bedroom. Assuming the part doesn't arrive until 10 am again, we will need to spend a 4th night here since we assume a few hours to remove/replace the part, and El Paso is a 4 hour drive from Odessa.The campground where we have reservations in El Paso has been very accommodating as I have to call them every day to postpone our arrival. 

Getting to know where everything in Odessa is, even if there's nothing to do here. Can hardly wait to see the bill! I might have to go back to work. 

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