Friday, March 29, 2019
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Back in our Home!
We did wind up renting a room, not for one night but for two. All the places we called would not allow pets, even those 30 miles away. The Red Bay Hotel closed it's doors the end of last year, and the places in town that rented rooms were all booked.
We mentioned our problem during a conversation with a woman at Jack's, the chicken and burger chain store. She mentioned that her sister had a room for rent so we called her. It was available and we took it for one night as we were told the painting would be done the next day.
Were we pleasantly surprised! This nice person had converted her detached garage to a two queen bed, dinette, kitchen, bathroom and living room. We couldn't tell her enough how nice it was. It was nicer than any motel/hotel room we've ever been in.
So yesterday we left there around noon and hung out in the car til the shop closed. The doors had been painted, but they still needed to cut and buff them. The entire side of the RV was covered in plastic. We didn't want to take it and bring it back this morning. We didn't want any sort of moisture to get on it and create a problem, so we left it in the shop so they could finish it today. The was a problem however. Because we wouldn't get our RV back this morning we had to cancel another appointment we had for today and reschedule. The earliest we could be rescheduled for is next Friday, April 5th. So we are here for another week at least.
We called the lady with the room and she welcomed us back right away. So we hung out there til 3pm today and went to the shop. They had another two hours of work so we waited and now we are back in our rig.
Tonight the campground had some RVers who set up an electric piano and two local guitarists and they held a mini revival of church songs. It was an enjoyable interlude.
Sometime this weekend a guy is coming to clean and polish our roof. Aside from that it will just be hanging out at home and waiting till our next appointment.
Monday, March 25, 2019
Doors Are On
The doors are now on, and a fourth door had to be bondexed as it's surface was not level. All are now ready for painting, which will start tomorrow at 8, and won't be done until Wednesday.
Which means we are renting a room tomorrow night, as the RV has to stay inside at the shop. Since there will be nothing to report, next post will be Wednesday night.
Friday, March 22, 2019
Progress in Limbo for the Weekend
Thursday, March 21, 2019
Making Progress
Part of the border trim on one rug was ripped so they repaired it. Our wheel well cover problem, which was mentioned in an earlier post, was repaired and we are sitting in our new heated Captain chairs with the heat turned on. How comfortable!
The parts for the body repairs haven't arrived yet, maybe tomorrow. So we'll go to dinner and wait for a call for us to come in.
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Repair updates
After lunch, we stopped in at Sunshine Mills, a large factory here in town which manufactures grain free dog foods. I mean it is large! Anyway, stopped in to see if they had samples of their food. They don't have a store but the manager gave us two 15 pound bags of food to see if our dogs liked it. How nice!
So we have at least another week or so here. In the meanwhile, the temperature has finally warmed up. Gorgeous weather! It should continue for a few days. If only there was a pool!
Monday, March 18, 2019
Some progress, but not much!
We then drove 58 miles to Florence for a scheduled blood test. On the way back, called for a status and found out parts needed to be ordered and couldn't get here before Thursday. So we took the RV to the second guy and he had his repair guy check it out. The levelers in the rear are 10K pound levelers (the engine is back there). They can't be found for replacement as the company that made them went bankrupt several years ago.
So he tested the leveler, and thought a gear had broken. He removed it from the chassis and together we took it apart. That amounts to removing it's motor from the leg itself to get to the gears. But none of the gears were broken.
Remember last week I mentioned how bad that one campground was and how uneven the site was? Well, there are two lifting rods in the leveler leg, one of which was bent from the pressure on the leg from the uneven site. They can't be replaced because the leg is welded together. So we had a good motor but a bad leg.
Fortunately he had in his inventory the same leg we needed, but with a motor with a bad bearing. After talking to the owner, they agreed to sell us the leg to use with our good motor. Long story short, we put them together and it works. We now have fully functioning levelers.
As to our satellite, we had the receiver tested and it works fine. Put a new module on the roof as we were told that would fix the problem, as we had the HDMI cable replaced last night. Nope, it doesn't work. That repairman is on his way here now.
Status update: he came, he fixed, he conquered. We now have satellite TV, at least from 2 of 3 satellites. Will find out more tomorrow or Wednesday with a little more testing.
Friday, March 15, 2019
and the fun continues!
A tornado watch was indicated for Tishomingo county in Mississippi. That's only a 1/2 mile up the road. The sky was very dark. I called the RV park office and asked for the location of the tornado shelter. She confirmed it was in the basement of the Methodist Church but had to call someone and see if it was locked or unlocked. I went up and checked it's location and that it was unlocked if we needed it. I then informed some of the neighbors of the situation.
Less than 1/2 an hour later the siren in town started wailing. One long continuous sound. We weren't sure if that was the tornado warning but we hastened out to the car. As we got outside a voice blared from the speakers at the police station "Seek shelter immediately! Get to a shelter ASAP!"
Well, that confirmed it! We had the dogs and hightailed it to the shelter where we were soon joined by others. Sure enough there was a tornado watch for Franklin county, where we are located. We were there for 45 minutes until the warning from the National Weather Service expired. Apparently a tornado was sighted but 30 miles east of our location.
Today we took the RV to the installer who put in our undercarriage mood lights last year and in about 30 seconds he fixed our problem with them. The remote and the controller were out of sync and he showed me how to correct it if it happens again. While there we inquired about and decided to replace our slide toppers and two Captain chairs. The toppers are showing their age (11 years), were sagging, and 2 of the 4 needed to be repaired/replaced anyway. So we decided to have all 4 done next week. Our chairs are frayed and giving us occasional problems so we decided to have them replaced as well with a newer model, which also includes heated seats. So next week will be busy.
We are sitting here listening to a great country music station after Nancy made a great dinner. I am so blessed to have found her. Later tonight or tomorrow our satellite technician will be here to replace a damaged HDMI cable behind the inside walls. While waiting we rearranged some of our overhead cabinets. Then a long weekend! The town rolls up it's sidewalks at 3:30 each day and all weekend so there is nothing to do here. If we have time maybe we'll drive to Tennessee and visit Shiloh Civil War Battlefield. At least since the tornado scare yesterday the weather has been sunny and will remain the same throughout the week.
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Four days early...
Next up, or not, was our levelers. Three of them raised, but not the fourth. In the last post I mentioned how uneven our site was, remember (if you read it)? The weight of the RV came to rest on that one leveler in such a way that the leg, which rises up into a housing tube, was jammed at an angle against the housing with such pressure that it could not raise. For the next hour and a half I was under the RV, trying to raise it with a 4 ton bottle jack, then moving the RV forward to relieve the pressure, and using a drill manually to raise the leg. Once it was up the weight of the RV pressed down on the bottle jack so it couldn't be removed. We had to move the RV backwards this time to force the jack free. Then we had to reset all four levelers as they were out of sync.Thank goodness they all work. It would have been a big expense to have to buy a new one. I couldn't have done all of this without the assistance of my better half Nancy.
Next we had to fill up with fuel. When we finally got going, I missed a turn because the GPS had not caught up to where we were so we had to detour around. Not so easy, we got stopped at a RR crossing while a long arsed train took its time crossing.
The entire 263 miles from Jackson to Red Bay was fraught with high winds and gusts as a remnant of winter storm Ulmer, which although it died early created high winds across Mississippi and Alabama.
The nice part of the trip was that the GPS routed us on 59 miles of the Natchez Trace Parkway and the Tombigbee National Forest. Although the speed limit was 50 mph, it allowed us to look around and see things we might have passed at a higher speed. We saw three young turkey hens and about four redtail hawks. Even better we were at the front of the line, with multiple cars behind us. At one point on the two lane road we saw a tractor trailer that missed its exit and went into a ditch blocking the southbound lane. The driver was alright, attempting to back the rig out of the ditch. As soon as we had cell service we called 911 to get him assistance.
So here we are, where we will be for at least a week or two as we get things on our list repaired or replaced. At least we have phone service.
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
We ain't in Texas no mo!
Nice people in an RV passed us and held up a sign saying one of our bay doors was open. Stopped right away and it wasn't a bay door. The wheel well cover was flapping, the third time this has happened. The cover vibrates and in doing so enlarges the hole where the bolt attaches it to the frame, eventually cutting a path thru the fiberglass and allowing the cover to get loose and flap. I taped it closed and continued on.
We thought we would stay here for a few days and see what Jackson has to offer, but with the RV park as it is, we are just going to do the remaining 271 miles tomorrow and maybe get some work on the RV done early.
So not much more to report as all we did was drive all day.
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Baytown Tx Just East of Houston
We left Corpus at 10:16 and for a brief moment thought of going back to Schertz and surprising Marjorie and Mom again. We didn't, just turned off and started our drive to Baytown. Stopped for fuel at a Buc-ees, a place I mentioned in an earlier post. Fuel prices everywhere we saw were over $3, but at Buc-ees we paid $2.47/gallon. A great savings!
The ride went well until we got to Houston. They had blocked off the exit we needed which backed up traffic for miles. We went nine tenths of a mile in one hour. Overall we lost almost two hours due to traffic. Finally was able to get off highway 59, worked our way around and got to Interstate 10 and on to our destination, where we will stay until Tuesday morning, when we head to Mississippi.
The weather here should be in the mid 70's, although with a high chance of rain, but maybe we can get to the pool tomorrow or Monday.
Friday, March 8, 2019
When it Rains...
We just finished having our lights fixed today. We were done, or so we thought. We had to turn right back into Freightliner; they had messed up our dash ac fan. An hour or so later, Mark, the service tech, and the foreman, with the foreman driving, were on a test drive down I-37. The RV in front of our RV kicked up a stone and chipped our windshield. Freightliner refused to pay or even help pay the deductible for the windshield, and they claim the problem with our ac fan is not their fault, even though we didn't have the problem before they worked on our lights . Soooooo, we are back at the Shriner's tonight, and tomorrow am we will be waiting for someone to come to us to repair the chip. Then, maybe, we can get moving and back on schedule.
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Corpus Christi, Tx
We called RV parks in the area for an overnight stay but they were all booked, as it is Spring Break. But we lucked out as one block away was the Al Amin Shrine Temple, and they had a vacancy. They actually have 10 water/electric sites and 4 full hookup sites ($25 per night). So here we are for the night. Depending on when Freightliner finishes tomorrow (the part won't arrive until noon), we may or may not be on our way to Houston. We have an appointment in Red Bay, Alabama on the 17th, so we will still have time to make it even if we are delayed a day or two
Monday, March 4, 2019
Port Aransas, Tx
We left Schertz yesterday and drove southeast to Port Aransas, a city located on Mustang Island, north of South Padre Island and across the bay from Corpus Christi. The park we are at is a private RV park, but it is beautiful. Our site is real nice and the front of our rig overlooks a pond. Each site has their own private modem for wifi. Two rows of RVs past ours is the beach on the Gulf of Mexico. They have a heated pool and heated deep water spa. Of course we can't use them because as has been our lot on this trip, the weather is not cooperating. Temps tonight will go to 26, with wind chill in the teens, and a high of 38 today. We are leaving Thursday, so naturally the temp will return to a seasonal temp of 79. Here is what our site looks like:
When we leave, we have to stop at Freightliner in Corpus Christi. We discovered that when our headlights are on, they blink on and off along with our fog lights. Somewhere we have a poor connection that needs to be identified and corrected. We contacted several RV mobile repair services, but they don't have the experience to help us, so on to Freightliner, our chassis manufacturer.
Savannah & North
We arrived in Savannah and lazed around for a day, not sure what we wanted to see. We made online reservations for the next day on an open a...
Monday we drove to Jekyll Island, one the many barrier islands on the Georgia coast. The island used to be owned by the Dubignon family who ...
Thursday we took the pups to Banfield and they wouldn't take them. Here in El Paso apparently there are no walk-ins, only appointments. ...
Well, here we are in Slidell Louisiana, after 404 miles. Our plans were to spend tomorrow in New Orleans, but we found out there is a jazz...