Thursday, March 28, 2019

Back in our Home!

Started to write this last night but got sidetracked, so sorry about that.

We did wind up renting a room, not for one night but for two. All the places we called would not allow pets, even those 30 miles away. The Red Bay Hotel closed it's doors the end of last year, and the places in town that rented rooms were all booked.

We mentioned our problem during a conversation with a woman at Jack's, the chicken and burger chain store. She mentioned that her sister had a room for rent so we called her. It was available and we took it for one night as we were told the painting would be done the next day.

Were we pleasantly surprised! This nice person had converted her detached garage to a two queen bed, dinette, kitchen, bathroom and living room. We couldn't tell her enough how nice it was. It was nicer than any motel/hotel room we've ever been in.

So yesterday we left there around noon and hung out in the car til the shop closed. The doors had been painted, but they still needed to cut and buff them. The entire side of the RV was covered in plastic. We didn't want to take it and bring it back this morning. We didn't want any sort of moisture to get on it and create a problem, so we left it in the shop so they could finish it today. The was a problem however. Because we wouldn't get our RV back this morning we had to cancel another appointment we had for today and reschedule. The earliest we could be rescheduled for is next Friday, April 5th. So we are here for another week at least.

We called the lady with the room and she welcomed us back right away. So we hung out there til 3pm today and went to the shop. They had another two hours of work so we waited and now we are back in our rig.

Tonight the campground had some RVers who set up an electric piano and two local guitarists and they held a mini revival of church songs. It was an enjoyable interlude.

Sometime this weekend a guy is coming to clean and polish our roof. Aside from that it will just be hanging out at home and waiting till our next appointment.

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