While we were waiting for our repairs to get finished on Thursday, we contacted our eye specialist in Pennsylvania for Nancy. She started seeing floaters and light flashes in her right eye. They said she needed to be seen right away and to contact someone locally. So we called the retina specialist in Huntsville (91 miles east) I used several years ago and they referred us to their office in Florence, about 40 miles north of us. I told them that would be a waste of time, as they can only diagnose problems there but if Nancy's retina was detaching, they don't perform the surgery in that office. They refer to Huntsville, which was why I was skipping that step. I learned that the hard way as that is what had happened to me. They insisted we go to Florence, as Huntsville wouldn't have a doctor in their office till the following Thursday. I said thanks but forget it, and called our doctor in PA, explained the situation again and got Nancy an appointment for Monday afternoon.
So back at the campground we ordered Subway sandwiches for Friday's lunch assuming we'd eat them on our trip and save a stop.
We got up early on Friday and left Red Bay. The temperature was 16 degrees. We drove 500 miles to Wytheville, VA, stopping only for fuel and a potty break for the dogs. We hadn't eaten our Subway sandwiches, so we had them for dinner. Got up early on Saturday, temperature 10 degrees, and drove non-stop to New Jersey, another 500 miles, arriving at 2:30 pm. The reason for this intensive travel was to get back in time for Bill Boyes' viewing and funeral service.
We surprised Jim Goldsborough, our brother-in-law, with a phone call inviting him to join us for dinner. We met him and Karen Sparks, had dinner, caught up, then came home.
Now we are preparing to go to the viewing.
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