Monday, November 22, 2021

Amarillo Day 3

Today we went to, you guessed it, Palo Duro Canyon State Park. It was 28 miles south of our campground, which I forgot to mention earlier, is located on Route 66. We knew there was a fee to enter the park,  but didn't realize we needed to pay and print out a pass before we arrived.  The office at the gate was not open due to covid but there was a staff member outside who assisted us in getting online and getting a pass number. We had to fill out a form and put the pass number on it, attach it to our windshield, or the park police would fine us.

The canyon is the second largest canyon in the United States.  It is 120 miles long and at places 20 miles wide. We drove down 500 feet to the bottom of the canyon and drove all 16 miles of paved road, past several lodges and multiple campgrounds. We had lunch at the bottom, and the dogs enjoyed roaming around. All the campgrounds were full, and hikers and bikers were everywhere to be seen. It is a beautiful place as can be seen in these pictures.

We came home, packed up a little in preparation for our trip tomorrow,  then went to an early movie and saw The Eternals.

We plan to be on the road tomorrow at 8:30 am again.

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