Monday, November 15, 2021

MCD Starting the Work

Brian and Candace (names sound familiar? Ironic?) came in this morning to see what we wanted done with our window shades. We are replacing ALL the shades in the RV. The shades in the bedroom will remain manual while those in the front will be automatic. We will be able to open or close them in any configuration we desire, one- by- one,  all at once, the day shades or night shades, etc.

We gave them our fabric choices and they measured each window.  We are also replacing the material on the windshield that Cocoa chewed this summer when he got on the dash and wanted to look out. They're going to look so nice. 

After the measurements we waited about an hour for them to price out the materials, then we went over to the office and paid for them. The new shades will be ready on Thursday and they will be installed Thursday and Friday. Then we will have to pay separately for the installation labor. We will stay Friday night,  then move to our next campground. 

We also thought we were done with the stink-bugs, but wow were we wrong! Here is a picture of the two bags (!) of them we've been catching. Hopefully there aren't many left. And we've caught 2 dozen more since the picture was taken!

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