Friday, November 19, 2021

McKinney - Final Update

Work began at 8:30 this morning. First up was the windshield shades. It took two installers to put it in place, then the electric was connected via a wire and fuse to the ignition switch. Then the limits were created. Basically, the furthest down I would use the shades while driving is the low limit. Once set, I cannot lower them any further while the ignition is on. This was set for both the day and night shades. Then they were set for when we are parked (ignition off). 

Next came the wiring for our passenger side shades, then the galley shade, which is only a night shade. Theses were wired incorporating a fuse and a wire off the power lead of one light under the overhead cabinets. The false bottoms of the cabinets were replaced and the limits set for each day and each night shade individually  and as a group, followed by a thorough testing of each. Lastly came paying for the installation.  We had an estimate of 9 hours work before it all started, but Brian, the installer, took good care of us. We weren't  charged for some upgrades and he only charged for 5-1/2 hours, which was only slightly more than the veterans discount we received on the materials.  He finished at 4:53 this afternoon and then we started restocking the cabinets and getting ready for our 380 mile trip to Amarillo tomorrow. Finally, exhausted,  we went and had bbq beef brisket for dinner, and I am writing tonight's blog from bed while Nancy is watching the newest episode of Blue Bloods..

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