Friday, December 10, 2021

Relaxation Day

Our plans changed this morning. We were awakened last night with 35 mph winds, and very frequent gusts of 55 mph that had the rv shaking and rocking like it was at a 60's sock hop. These continued all day until between  4 pm and 5 pm.  We knew this was coming and despite temperatures in the low 60s we decided to forego Sitting Bull Falls and stay home.

We read, ate our meals, and watched TV. We discussed and agreed to modify our travel plans. Instead of going to Marfa, which would take us south, then southwest, we are going to Pecos, Texas, which is southeast of Carlsbad and more in the direction of Schertz, which is our holiday destination. Marfa would have put us between two of our destinations, Big Bend National Park,  and MacDonald  Observatory near Fort Davis in the Davis mountains of West Texas,  but our time there would not have coincided with available observatory sky viewings. So we will add them to a future trip. It cost us our camping fees in Marfa which were paid in full and due to their reservation policy was non-refundable. But our route now is more in line with our original plans. 

The winds have died and should be only 6-8 mph tomorrow, much more suitable to driving. The sky is cloudless tonight and it seems that we can reach up and touch the constellations.  The temp will be 33 tonight and a more suitable 52 degrees during our drive, which will only be 2 hours.

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