Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Happy New Year

To one and all. Nicky and Keith had what looked like a great NYE dance, the Spurs beat the Celtics 120-111, Betty and Bill spent NYE in Roanoke on their way home from Nashville, Walt Crowder got out of the hospital and is doing better, and we went to bed before midnight. How 'old' is that?

And the saga continues. When one of the ladies who went to the basketball game with Nancy and Marjorie met them here at the house, she announced our passenger rear tire on the car was flat. Too late to do anything about it, it will stay that way until Wednesday. 

Nothing much else going on. Just want to wish all of our family, friends, acquaintances, and our country the best, most prosperous, healthy New Year, and that all your desires, dreams and inclinations come true. 

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