Monday, January 7, 2019

A Week Later

Well, here it is a week since my last post. I'll try to fill you in on everything. Marjorie's (my sister) WiFi kept cutting out ever since the cable company worked on  a pole across the street. They "made improvements", one of which was forgetting to reconnect her WiFi for two weeks. Then they had to make around 4 visits here to the house, the last of which we were here for, to basically replace every wire and connector from the pole to and including inside the house. Finally, I replaced their all-in-one router/modem with two separate devices, reconnected their security cameras and now things seem to be working fine (fingers crossed).

I installed a weather station outside that Nancy and I purchased for them, replaced a screen and then installed a screen protector on their outside door so their dogs don't destroy the screen when they jump on it to come back inside.

We met with Bev and John, friends from Butler Missouri, who were in San Antonio for a few days on their way to winter in Port Aransas. Friday we joined them on the River Walk and took the boat tour with them. Then on Saturday we visited them at their RV park where I helped John configure his drone, a Christmas gift to him from Bev.

On Sunday we went to visit Rob (Marjorie's husband) at the care facility in Austin. Rob has Lewy Body syndrome, similar to Parkinsons. He was congested and they had done a chest x-ray to see if he had pneumonia. He was wheezing a little while we were there. We then stopped at Ron's (my youngest, but not young brother) home in San Antonio to watch the second half of the Eagles-Bears game. During the last two minutes of the game Marjorie got a call that Rob was taken to the emergency room, so we left right away, missing the infamous Bears kick that won the game for the Eagles. We were dropped off at the house and Marjorie and Mom drove back to Austin where Marjorie spent the night and is still there at this writing. Rob is on meds and is holding his own.

So that's our last week. Not a lot, but enough to keep us going. Oh yeah, except for the 75 degree weather the past two days. East Coast eat your heart out!

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